Engine never failed, was not DOA, Dead On Arrival!! = Went to great lengths to let us know our engine was "junk" as he called it, WITHOUT IT EVER BEING INSTALLED. = Cus***er emailed us with concerns regarding the engine. I told JDM Engine I would call my **** and they said "go ahead, call them." With every problem found, they ignore my findings and raise the barrier. And **** uses FAX, so my videos, which wasted 4 hours of my day to make 3 very short videos was not considered. When it went to '**** dispute' JDM stated I did not provide any proof that the engine was bad. But they did not reply -anything- about them, Zero. JDM asked for videos and pictures, which I sent. I cannot test their engines for them- I need a good tested engine as the salesman stated. Then they tell me they will only replace it, not refund, will send me another engine.
#Jdm motor depot install
This engine is a "core", only a fool would install this junk engine. Then JDM tells me I must fully install the engine - and try to run it. With a large 450RPM power-drill (2x starter speed) I spun the engine, proiducing 100-120psi, very low - good engine is 185 psi. They referred to no notes about the engine. Clearly they did not compression test the engine. But if they tested it (spun it) then the compression would be there, right?. JDM said put it in a bellhousing and spin it with the starter, "the compression will come up quickly upon spinning". Either someone tried to repair the engine shortly before removal, or after, to hide the oil burn evidence. manifold cyl #4.Ĭyls #2 and #4 had new, white spark plugs whereas I expected oily plugs due to the oil deposits in the exhaust port. Sheet metal on manifold was corroded with rust holes. Leak-down test showed valves & rings leaking more than my compressor could supply. NO compression values were provided on paper or written on the engine. I asked several times if it was compression-tested, salesman Khan stated that "we test every engine to make sure you will get a good engine". 45-65k mi, from a running car (overseas). JDM stated it was a low-miles engine est.

Purchased replacement engine 2007 Subaru Impreza EJ253.